about   -  OTA KNIT について  -


自動車メーカー、SUBARUの発祥地である太田市。太田市のニット産業は戦後、SUBARUの前身である中島飛行機の技術者が糸をつむぐ「手紡機」を製造したことが始まりと言われています。かつてはニットの産地として200社近くあったニット工場が海外生産や後継者不足により現在は10社を切っております。「OTA KNIT」は太田市のニット産業をもう一度、盛り上げようと市内の工場やブランドが力を合わせて取組む地域ブランドです。


history   -  歴史  -



Ota City used to be a knitting town.

After the war, the Nakajima airplane, which was the center of industry in Ota City, was dismantled and many engineers gathered in the city. Thanks to the engineers' use of hand-spinning machines in Ota City and the surrounding area of textile industries such as Kiryu City, it is said that knitting started in Ota City.
The knitting industry in Ota City has rapidly expanded, thanks to its expertise in women's sweaters and cardigans and its ability to capitalize on its geographical advantage in the suburbs of Tokyo. In addition to the people who worked at the factory at that time, there were a considerable number of people who were engaged in knitting, including those who helped with side job, and it became a major industry that led the local economy.




Industry shifts and the decline of the knitting industry

In 1952, the number of member companies of the Ota Knit Industrial Association surged to 141, and in the 80's it recorded the highest shipment. The knitting industry in Ota has grown steadily, but a wave of major changes has crept up behind it. That is shift to overseas production. After the bubble burst, in the 90's, the apparel industry shifted to overseas production in search of cheap labor. As a result, the market share of knitwear in Japan, which once occupied more than 90% of the market, fell to a few percent, the number of orders fell sharply, and the knitting industry in Ota City continued to decline. Although each company tried to differentiate itself in terms of quality, the difficulty to seek higher quality because of the need for technology led to an increase in the number of companies converting to other types of business, and the number of knitting companies disappeared one after another as successors failed to develop.


OTA KNIT(おおたニット)の誕生

こうして一時代を築いた太田市の”ニット産業”は姿を変えざるを得ませんでした。現在組合員は10社を切る状況ですが、それでもニットづくりにかける想いは脈々と息づいています。そしてその想いを消さない、後世につなぐその役割として生まれたのが「OTA KNIT(おおたニット)」です。太田のニットを市内外に知らせることはもちろん、より良いものづくりを通して太田のニット製造業を元気にする、その為の具体的なアクションとして誕生しました。

Birth of OTA KNIT

The knitting industry in Ota city, which built an era in this way, had to change its appearance. Currently, there are fewer than 10 member companies, but their passion to create knitwear is still alive and well. The "OTA KNIT (Ota Knit)" was born as a role that will not dispel such passions and keep them alive for future generations. It was created as a concrete action to make Ota's knitwear known to people in and out of the city and to revitalize Ota's knitting industry through better manufacturing.
